Application, service, and website have user to use, consume, or visit. Each user might have an inquiry; these inquiries might be sales, client servicing, technical issues, feedback, partnership opportunity, etc… Therefore, this article is good and quick investment to read if are you looking to provide a good marketing service in the Middle East online users, since you need to use the best practices in the field as young Arab entrepreneur like other entrepreneur in the world. Being quick, the steps to follow are:
1. Promptly – If you don’t respond instantly to your inquiries, put an auto-response acknowledge mail that you received the email and will respond within a certain period of time (like 24 or 48 hours). Put your expected period you need to take to respond to it and then buffer for few extra hours, the client will appreciate that you have responded earlier than unwelcoming your delay. Take in consideration also that some inquiries might involve a third-party you will need to call or email in order to provide a response.
2. Habit – Make checking email a habit attached to another habit (like after breakfast, first thing on your to-do-list, at 12:30 pm) which is the easiest way, that’s if you don’t have it open as long as you are online. You also might need to appoint a certain number of hours per day to tackle these emails, that’s called time management, you don’t want to respond to emails all day and forget about your other tasks, or even work hard for users who are disappointed from your email service.
3. Original – always include your original email, either by replying or by attaching it, why? A user might have sent several different inquiries or forgot about it for some reason, who knows how much valuable your service is to him/her. Also, doing this will allow you to show the recipient that you responded to his/her first email while in queue and it wasn’t his/her repetitive reminders who awaken you up to respond.
4. Tone – use the same tone of voice the sender has written, I mean here, if the sender sends an email in an angry tone of voice, reply showing sense of urgency, if the sender sends an email trying to explain with examples, use examples in your reply, etc…
5. Skeleton – make your response with objective to get client satisfaction in the answer to the inquiry, not “looking great”. Many people think using bullet points is preferable on bulky paragraph, since many people don’t get the context with paragraph, but almost everyone gets the context from bullet points.
6. Shooting – respond to client with a target to satisfy their needs by ensuring that you answer all their questions and including call-to-actions for sales, registration, or visiting a certain page on the site the client is requesting. Also you may build your brand.
7. Spamming – don’t attach to the emails any promotional brochure, always link them to an article, blog, FAQ page, online PDF. Attaching might be suspicious and appear as spam
8. Discover – always ask the client for feedback and other information (like how did they find you?) this may help you find your best marketing channels, referral media, service quality, product unique selling points, and other room for improvement.
9. Say Cheers – always thank the sender in a nice and professional way and have your signature with position at work.
10. Discounts – too cheesy to be called discounts, I meant try to put a promotional teaser which can be a special offer, free upgrade, blog teaser, or registration signup link.
One more thing, you can save emails as draft for similar responses then you can personalize each, it will save you time. Do you dare not to control your emails and provide a professional emailing service to your users in the Middle East? Let’s aim for a better marketing service.
This is going to be fun!: “full control of your email –”. Just subscribed to your RSS Sorry I’m late adding this comment