Updates: at the end of the post.
Over the years google has been adding many of the world’s local domains like google.co.uk and google.jo in which case they provides localized search results.
Today Google added google.ps. yourname.PS is where domains in occupied Palestine are registered like .com or .co.uk. And according to Google Arabia blog post “the new domain will give Arabic-speaking users in the Palestinian Territories, who use Palestinian ISPs, access to Google in Arabic–and eventually, access to more locally-relevant content. With the launch of google.ps, we bring the total number of Google domains worldwide to more than 160. ”
Google also mentioned that it has plans to continue rolling out more domains in the coming months, particularly in Africa.
We do not know if google.ps will work from Gaza, But I will ask Google and update you here soon.
Update: According to a user in Gaza Google.ps works fine in Gaza.
Update2: Google confimred that they will be directing ”users based on their ISPs, so users of Palestinian ISPs will automatically be redirected to google.ps. However, any user can type in any Google domain they prefer to go.”
Update3: google also explained to ArabCrunch how things will be different to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza:
” Up until today, Arabic-speaking users in the Palestinian Territories have had to visit foreign domains (e.g.google.eg in Egypt) in order to search in Arabic. Starting today, Arabic-speaking users in the Palestinian Territories who use Palestinian ISPs will be given direct access to Google in Arabic via google.ps
With AdWords, you can target your ads to countries or territories, or to specific regions and cities. The Adwords system uses several factors to determine whether to show your ad including the Google domain being used (.fr, .de, .kr, etc.), the actual search term the user submits and when possible, we determine the user’s general physical location based upon their computer’s Internet Protocol (IP) address.”
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