Nothing like twitter to follow a live process involving ordinary people. This post will hopefully help you navigate the Lebanese twittosphere to keep your fingers on the Lebanese pulse.
– First, let’s get my shameless self promotion out of the way: Do make sure you follow my own twitter account @beirutspring. I am following almost 400 Lebanese people, and keep looking to retweet interesting posts. You can also look at the people I’m following and follow them
– Make sure you’re following @sharek961 , which is a volunteer based organization that maps the Lebanese elections live on their website. @sharek961 actively retweets all the reports it’s getting from the field. (Full disclosure: I volunteered to design their site)
– Go to and look for #lebanonelections. It sort of became the conventional tag, but some are still using #lebaneseelections and #lebelections. If your’re a twitterer yourself and want to file a report, don’t forget to tag it (who knows, we can even make it a twitter trending topic)
– Other notable Twitterers to follow: @nowlebanon , @sharek961, @meetsamer, @hibz , @LB_ELECTIONS_09 , @abuhatem .
There, I hope that was useful 🙂