Follow @beirutspring on twitter to get bits and pieces and opinions from the news in Lebanon. More details below..
Here’s the problem:
There are very important events taking or about to take place in Lebanon (Elections, Egypt-Hezbollah spat, attacks against our army. ), and yet, as you noticed, I can’t seem to find the time to collect my thoughts and discuss things with you guys over here. For the record, that really sucks.
So what’s a Lebanese with many thoughts on his mind and little time on his hands to do? Abu Kais, friend and venerable blogger has pulled the plug. I thought about doing the same but didn’t get the heart to do it. This is why I’ll be doing the next best thing: I’ll be updating from Twitter.
Twitter is a great medium to express and share fast thoughts and Ideas. It conveys the message, suggests links and opens the door for a discussion. It’s like blogging on a smaller scale and does the trick for me. It’s great for fast updates in days of crises and excellent for finding and suggesting cool links about Lebanon.
This doesn’t mean that I’ll stop updating Every now and then, I’ll be writing normal posts over here, and the best way to know about them would be following me on Twitter.
So go ahead, if you don’t have an account, create one, it’s worth it. Follow me @beirutspring and I’ll follow you too.
For those who still prefer old media, you can always email me to for your thoughts and suggestions..