By Thought Pick
Someone on Twitter once said “Twitter is the theater of the mind…”. While many might disagree, claiming that it is a waste of time and energy, I strongly feel positive when it comes to my overall Twitter experience in terms of interaction and learning. Despite that, I still have some negative vibes towards those who abuse their Twitter presence, leading me to, sadly, block them!
So, with that said, what are the things one should take into consideration when using Twitter? And how does an active Twitter user, seeking more business or communication opportunities, avoid being blocked on Twitter?
A few months ago, I posted an article about my personal experience on Twitter and the lessons I learned from that experience. Luckily, the article turned out to be a success and the dos and don’ts I listed gained a lot of popularity and appreciation.
Today, this post is dedicated to the top 10 tips I have for Twitter users who want to avoid getting blocked on Twitter, again, from my own personal experience.
Top 10 Tips to Avoid Getting Blocked on Twitter:
Apart from the standard well known tips that Twitter provides on its blog, there are other ways of conduct that can get you blocked. Here they are as I see them:
- NEVER add your followers’ names in your ad tweets! It might seem appealing, it might seem lucrative but trust me, it is annoying and I have deleted and blocked many of those I was following for that reason!
- Don’t just tweet rambles! In a post we published a few months back, we spoke of 15 types of Twitter users, amongst those there were 3-4 types that were in the red zone: the annoying types and ramblers were on that list! Yes, I want to know that you just woke up and you’re drinking your coffee, but I also want to learn new things from you!
- Don’t be selfish! If I care enough to retweet you, you should be able to do the same or else you don’t deserve me following you and I will eventually block you. Sharing is caring and retweeting is as well.
- Don’t Overdo the Direct Messages! Especially when I start following you, I don’t want you promoting your products and services to me, let me know you on a different and deeper level then start advertising to me!
- Never Try to Cheat the Rules! Twitter will catch you, eventually and suspend your account periodically or indefinitely!
- Don’t Spam Tweet to Me! Regardless of your Twitter user name and avatar, I expect you to tweet the “good stuff” to me. Spam, be it porn or otherwise, is not what I consider “good” or “interesting!
- Reply to Me! At least once in a while and especially when I mention you, I do expect that you respond to me with a short tweet or a direct message.
- Be Active! Twitter is about give and take. Don’t just create the account and disappear; tweet often and try to make your tweets valuable to me at some level.
- Be Ware of Multiple Twitter Accounts! Yes, I will add more than one account for you but you have to promise to “play nice”: keep the variety flowing in your tweets and treat each account separately.
- Be Humble: Don’t pretend you are a guru or act as if you know more than you do. “Wannabe’s” are not welcomed here!
Finally, Love What You Do…
In order for you to be considered a “good” Twitter citizen, you have to love what you do on Twitter and enjoy every second of it.
Remember, whether you are tweeting for business or for fun, your Twitter followers, as I always say, are people with feelings, problems and stories, they are not mere numbers!
So now, after I have listed for you the top 10 things that might get you blocked from my Twitter list, what other advice can you give to your Twitter followers? And have you ever been blocked on Twitter? What did you learn from that?