Updated: see below.
The realtime Web tracking and analytics startup Woopra that was founded by 2 Lebanese off their homes (and reviewed by ArabCrunch here and here) announced that in the coming weeks it will remove the beta label and introduce paid accounts.
Soon, Woopra will be open to anyone to register for paid accounts thus eliminating the current waiting list, however users registering for the free version will need to obtain an invitation code.
Another milestone change is that the 10,000 page views per day limit will disappear and be replaced by a monthly page views limit.
Under Woopra’s new drafted paid account plan, for websites with 30,000 monthly page views and are only for personal and non-commercial use the service will be free but with limited set of features. (Update: Woopra’s free accounts will remain offering realtime tracking and all the current features will stay the same, as Eli Khoury told ArabCrunch, just the extra features for paid accounts wont be available for the free accounts.)
As for accounts with up to 100,000 monthly page views a $4.95 fee rate would apply and for sites with 3 million page views per month the fee will be $99.95. ( look at the chart below for the full drafted new price plan.)
What does this news means? As after 2 years of starting Woopra from home then opening an offices in USA and Lebanon, the startup that is about to reach the 100,000 members mark will start achieving monetization. Though, I am not sure what will be the reaction of Woopra’s community, as everyone until now was using the service for free and taking into account that there are other analytics sites offering realtime stats like GetClicky at a lower price range (Update: GetClicky has very limited set of features for the free accounts and no realtime tracking. On the other hand Woopra’s free accounts will remain offering realtime tracking and all the current features will stay the same, as Elie Khoury Woopra’s cofounder told ArabCrunch.) However Woopra’s main advantage over getliclicky and others is its desktop application that offers RealTime tracking on Windows, Mac and Linux which I tested on all 3 platforms.
It is worth mentioning that I am almost a daily user of Woopra at ArabCrunch and feels happy with it.