Robin Sloan is speaking now at today’s event of Aljazeera which is titled “Unplugged Real-Time Media: the power of now”. Robin who works on media partnerships at Twitter is talking about Twitter and real-time information.
Here is a brief of the important points edited from his keynote speech:
- Twitter as real-time media is coming closer to TV live broadcast influence.
- Real-time media is the information that has been put to real world without any friction. The information is not going to the “news room” and the generated for “news broadcast” and get consumed at “news mode” . Therefore, real-time media influence no “news mode”, news mode is a selected time of the day whereby you decide to read newspaper or watch news.
- “The power of now” is by presenting the information with little or no friction.
- Twitter believes it has good residence with TV and they are working to change how news rooms operate.
- Twitter is working on how to present information without “news interface” and getting it outside of the “news mode”.
End of the session.