Today, June 17, 2011 is a big day for Saudi women in history’s time, the rest of the world is anxiously watching. This day is importantly marked by Saudi Arabia as the day where Saudi women will challenge police, culture, and tradition and rally for driving by actually driving personally and not sitting behind anymore.
According to our editorial board policy, we don’t judge or provide opinion related to religion. Some westerns who are reading this may say what’s the religious part of it, I can tell y0u that there is a debate among Saudi claimed sheikhs that driving women are violating Saudi Arabia’s law, and this law was extracted from the Qur’an and Sunnah. Other Sheikhs (in all Arab and Islamic countries) that “women driving cars” is not innovation in Islam (bed^a) that’s why women drive countries like: Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc…
While we always have our opinion on events related to the interactive and social media industry, we act like observers only at least because it’s what’s claimed to be a violation of a law of a country.
We will focus on our writing on a pure and solo social media campaign did reach to rally or not.
We’re watching you, Saudi women, everywhere.