#GCC Site ranking report for 2011 By @emeasure

GCC 2011 site rankings

GCC 2011 site rankings

The latest report from effective measure displays site rankings in the GCC for December of 2011. The report states that there was a growth of 12.5% in the number of unique browsers in the following GCC countries:

  1. Bahrain
  2. Kuwait
  3. Oman
  4. Qatar
  5. Saudi Arabia
  6. UAE

Which sums up about a total of 46 million unique browsers in the GCC and 91 million unique browsers in the MENA region for December 2011.

Quick Overview:

  1. Leading website sabq.org grew by almost 10.5% compared to November 2011, recording over 6 million unique browsers in December.
  2. Arabia.msn.com grew by almost 56.6% compared to November 2011, recording over 5.7 million unique browsers in December.

List of top 100 best performing websites in GCC:

GCC site rankings 1-25GCC site ranking 26 - 50

GCC site ranking 51 - 75GCC site rankings 76 - 100

Let us know your comments


Having worked with top digital agencies and companies in the MENA region for the past number of years I'm now looking now to venture on my own with small side projects in online, SaaS products. Things I like include: gaming, sports, technology, social media, start ups, funny things and reading about new bright ideas.


  1. Thanks alex, I do agree with you about brands having to create more content so far the online ecosystem in the region is lacking "useful" content but is slowly getting there I think.

  2. actually i think what would be even more interesting is finding out if they are individuals or corporations that are behind the sites. I suspect that the majority are probably sites that started as side projects of individuals, and may have grown to be a full time occupation, but if this is the case, then there is definitely a need for brands to create more content. This would help grow the online ecosystem

  3. Thanks PITAPOLICY, I think the majority of the top 25 websites are homegrown in the MENA with the exception of websites such as MSN, BBC and goal.. But we'll dig deeper and try to get more information about the founders.

  4. Thanks for sharing statistics on the tech industry and listing the top 100 sites. It’s very informative. The only area I would like to see additional information is the listing of the country each website was founded and if the founder is an expatriate or not. I think it would be helpful to know to what extent these start ups are homegrown 🙂 Best, PITAPOLICY

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