#MENA users on facebook 2012

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A new infographic on facebook statistics and usage in the MENA has been released over the weekend summarizing data collected between October 28 – November 26 2012.

The infograhpic, developed by Social Bakers provides some interesting data regarding the region starting with the number of active users on the social network

MENA facebook stats nov 2012

Since the beginning of 2012, the region grew 29%, adding more than 10M new registered users. Qatar, Libya and Iraq, which are also the top three fastest moving countries, added more than 115%, 86% and 81% new users respectively. In Egypt, 2.5M new people have joined the Facebook platform since January 2012, representing the highest absolute user growth. Egypt is also the region’s most penetrated country with 17M online Facebook population.

I’m not sure why Algeria is highlighted in dark blue, I thought the different colors meant Facebook penetration in that country according to population, but that doesn’t make sense because then Morocco should be the same color. So it could be Facebook penetration according to internet penetration in that country but I’m not too sure, if you have any ideas please feel free to let us know!

MENA facebook stats nov 2012-2



The MENA users account for 4% of total Facebook users, which could only mean that there is still massive room for growth in the MENA.

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MENA facebook stats nov 2012-4

Nothing really new here, the majority of the users are between the ages of 18 – 34, and they also seem to be the fastest growing age groups on the social network.

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MENA facebook stats nov 2012-6

This is where the infograph gets interesting, the average page sizes of industries on Facebook. Media leads the way which make senses since most people would like and subscribe to updates from publications and other news sources to get the latest info , but I would’ve assumed the automotive industry would’ve been higher on the list in terms of average page size. Ecommerce and Airlines in the region are doing a good job of managing their presence, but I guess they would have to since most of the interactions happen online anyways. Also I’m not sure I believe that only 1 question was received for the Alcohol industry, there are 44M active users in the region something doesn’t add up!

MENA facebook stats nov 2012-7

MENA facebook stats nov 2012-8

MENA facebook stats nov 2012-9

This is the most liked post on Facebook in November 2012 according to social bakers with 77K likes, I have absolutely no idea why. They don’t provide more information, could have been a product launch with a lot of advertising involved. I can’t imagine this post being the number one without having any more proper activity behind it.

MENA facebook stats nov 2012-10

At least this makes sense they’re offering 42K Sinbad miles (whatever those are) to four people over the course of a month, so people have an incentive to engage with the page/post on a reoccurring basis, goes to show that proper incentives still do well in the region.

Have any ideas or thoughts on the inforgraph? Let us know in the comments below, or get in touch with us.

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Having worked with top digital agencies and companies in the MENA region for the past number of years I'm now looking now to venture on my own with small side projects in online, SaaS products. Things I like include: gaming, sports, technology, social media, start ups, funny things and reading about new bright ideas.