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Communicate Monitor (Dec’09): YouTube, Online Games, Digital Agencies
Read in Communicate (Issue: November 2009) about interactive/digital media: Always Game – From World of Warcraft to Whack the Penguin,…
It’s Not Twitter Fail Whale, It’s Iranian Cyber Army
Twitter is down! Fail Whale, Fail Whale!… Whenever Twitter is down, a holding page of a whale design appears that…
The First Brick For Building Mobile Innovation Ecosystem in The MENA Region
Finally mobile innovation ecosystem is taken seriously in the Middle East and North Africa, thanks to Qtel and Qatar Science…
ictQatar Aims Big On Making Qatar Digital Savvy
The Supreme Council of Information and Communication Technology (ictQATAR) is leading the strategic thinking and implementation of ICT initiatives in…
Twitter Top Trending Topics 2009: Iran Election, Google Wave, Michael Jackson
Twitter’s Trending Topics of 2009 is going to help everyone understand what was happening around the world showing you in…
YouTube 2009: Most Watched Videos & Most Searched Terms
For the first time YouTube shares with us their official Most Watched lists and some of the Fastest-Rising search terms…
Google Makes URLs Shorter for Google Toolbar and FeedBurner
Google launches a new version of Google Toolbar and FeedBurner that offer a new URL shortening service. Google URL shortener…
Bil3arabi Winners: Nokia Mobile Apps Developer Competition
Winners of Nokia’s Calling All Innovators “Bil3arabi” 2009 contest, a developer competition for Arabic-language mobile applications, have been announced. 1st…
Mudawanat Event Persuades New Debate On Aljazeera Interactive TV Forum
200 attendants and 60 viewers of our video live streaming channel have been a part of a successful event happened…
Zawya Dow Jones Reaches New Milestone: One Million Hits in 2009
Zawya Dow Jones News Service, produced jointly by Dow Jones Newswires and ABQ Zawya, reached a significant milestone this month…
5 Easy Tips To Get Groups On Google Wave
Some of you may have noticed that Google has started supporting for groups in Google Wave. Google Group is one…
Yahoo and Facebook Connect Agreement Is Not Log-in Agreement
Last week breaking news about Yahoo announcement to integrate Facebook features across its network doesn’t mean it’s a log-in agreement…
Mudawanat Event: Watch Live Video Streaming Now & More
QATAR is encouraging people in Qatar and the Arab world to take to the blog-waves. ictQATAR is now hosting Mudawanat:…
Breaking: Google Launches Real-Time Search; Check Out How It Works
All technology entrepreneurs are talking about real-time search, which is meant to change your behavior on how to access to…
Google Just Launched Translator Toolkit Data API
Google announces today on their official blog the release of the Google Translator Toolkit Data API. Translator Toolkit is a…
Unicef: Clear Water
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Turkish Labneh By KDD
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4 Times The Internet Speed With FastTelco
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Green Giant Chef
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360 Mall: Shop with Style
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