Recent Posts
UAE, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia Are The Most Connected Countries in the Arab World!
The annual results of Arab Advisors Group’s Total Country Connectivity Measure (TCCM) reveal substantial –mostly cellular service driven- improvements in…
Jordanian Internet Startup ShooFeeTV Officially Launches Satellite Channel (Video)
ShooFeeTV, the Internet startup from Jordan that provides Satellite TV-related entertainment in the Arab World, has launched today in a…
Finally 3G Will Be in Jordan, Launched Within 6 Months By Orange.
Last Monday, Telecom regulatory commission (TRC) has awarded the first and only 3G license in Jordan to Orange the second…
WeziWezi A New Twitter Clone From The Arab World But Location Based, With Universal SMS …More like BrightKite!
I do not understand why some people clone something famous, well this is somehow the case of WeziWezi, the new…
Facebook Deleted the Fanpage of the Exiled Hammas Leader Khaled Meshaal
After deleting the fanpage of Esmail Haneea the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority from The Islamic Resistances Movement (HAMAS.)…
(Updated) Breaking: Twitter in Talks With Zain, the Largest Mobile Operator in the Arab World, for Regional SMS Deals.
Twitter logo Update: (Sorry guys there was miss understanding, It is a source/s inside and outside Zain who confirmed that…
The Power of Social Media: The Egyptian Minister Revokes “Limited Internet Policy”
Recently Internet Services Providers (ISPs) in Egypt announced a new subscription policy called “The Policy of Equitable Downloads” that limits…
Breaking: Google Launches a Palestinian Domain, Google.PS
Updates: at the end of the post. Over the years google has been adding many of the world’s local domains…
Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Libya Are The Top 3 Arab Countries Using Opera Mini, The Mobile Web Browser.
Opera Mini is one of the world’s most popular Mobile Web browsers with over 20 million users. It comes with…
Total Country Connectivity Measure For The Arab World
The annual results of Arab Advisors Group’s Total Country Connectivity Measure (TCCM) reveal substantial –mostly cellular service driven- improvements in…
Active Facebook Users In Middle East & North Africa
A newly released study by O’Reilly Research, focusing on the numbers of active Facebook users around the world by country…
TweetShell, A Web Based Shell Interface For Twitter
TweetShell is a fun, in a geeky kind of way, new Twitter web application that provides a command line interface for users who…
Google Launches Domain Name For Palestine
Google just announced the addition of a new domain to their list of international domain names for Palestine. The new…
Bedaya Angel Network’s First Pitching Session For Startups
A group of 10 Angel investors gathered in Jordan to attend the first match-making event for the newly created Bedaya… Releases Free “Forward, Reply & Edit” BlackBerry Application is a new Jordanian startup, that specializes in Blackberry application development, both as a service for clients with specific…
Arabic Language Domains & Internet Growth In The Arab World
A lot of talk has been going on these past couple of days about Arabic language domain names which should…
Tweepi, A Set Of Tools To Help Manage Your Twitter Account
Tweepi is another project that has popped up from the Arab world to cater to the ever-growing group of Twitter…
UAE Tweets, A Twitter Lens On The UAE
Among the Arab countries, the UAE has to be the top country in Twitter usage so far, with more and…
What do Arab startups need the most? [Poll Results]
In the latest poll on StartUpArabia, the question to the readers was: What do Arab startups need the most? The…
Smack-Down Starts Today between Retweet & Tweetmeme
Retweet business is get more vigorous, Mesiab Labs has just announced to launch today at around 9:00 p.m. or 10:00…