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@Hashdoc a startup from #Jordan looking to increase productivity
This has to be one of the startups that I’ve met at AmmanTT 2012 with the biggest potential to succeed. Not because…

Facebook Advertising: CPC or CPM?
We all know about the importance of advertising on facebook if you’re targeting any of its almost 1Bn users. But…

@TasmeemME a social network dedicated to creative talent in the #MENA
Finding talent in the MENA region can be a difficult task, there isn’t a specific place for people to find…

Taktek Games aiming to develop the gaming ecosystem in the #MENA
Continuing with the companies I met at AmmanTT 2012, I had the chance to sit down with Gaith Kawar and…

Feesheh: Your Plug into the Music World in the #MENA
So you must be wondering what Feesheh means, literally it means plug in Arabic and the founders of this new…

Istikana the MENA’s answer to Hulu
Istikana launched just over a year ago at Arabnet Digital Summit 2011, and I recently had the opportunity to sit…

AmmanTT 2012, Second Anniversary Review
This past Tuesday the first of May was a special day for startups in the MENA, especially in Amman, Jordan….
How Primark expanded to the Middle East
Brands often choose a particular target market and pricing strategy to serve their audience in their chosen marketplaces. If they…

Absence of Social Media in Hassan Dandash’s life
I need to get my story straight… so they do exist, people who are not active on any kind of…

LAU Student Production and Social Media
This is not the first time that a student production takes place on social media. Students, who direct plays at…

Talking with Rony El Nashar of @SeedStartup
Entreprenerurship in the MENA region is changing I’m meeting a lot of young ambitious people with great new ideas lately,…

The Bachelor of the Year Ali Mahmoud on Social Media
If you haven’t heard of the basketball player Ali Mahmoud, you probably heard about a guy riding the team bus…

Omar El Turk between Fatherhood and Social Media
They call him the sniper, for when it comes to his playing, people would all silence and watch him play….

Q&A with Yahki the social storytelling platform (2 OF 2)
This article is the continuation of our interview with Yahki published last month. General Can you give us any statics on…
How to create engaging conversation on Social Media
Conversations are happening everyday by everyone everywhere; but what makes them different is the intention and purpose of the conversationalist….

Startups from Arabnet 2012:
Did you know that there are over 50 banks in the UAE? I was surprised to find that out myself…

SentioMedia’s Demo at Step Conference
On April 6th, the Step Conference took place at the MAKE business hub (yes I’ve been going there a…

Q&A with The Big Start
The startup scene in Dubai is picking up, yet if you speak to anyone trying to set something up…

Social Media at Cribs
When social media doesn’t play a huge role in some of Hamra’s (A hot location in Lebanon) pubs in, what…

Startups from Arabnet 2012:
Can you imagine a time or place where everybody knows a language, a programming language that is? How different would…